Help Fight Diabetes!

Try a martial art and help a worthy cause! We will be giving trial lessons all day on December 10th. A five-dollar contribution enables you to try a class in any of the styles we offer: Taekwondo for adults and children, Modern Arnis, or Tai Chi Chuan.

All money collected goes directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Tai Chi Chuan at 10:00
Modern Arnis at 11:00
Kids’ Taekwondo at 12:00 (Lil’ Dragons and Juniors)
Adult Taekwondo at 1:00
Promotion Exam at 2:00 (visitors are welcome to stay)

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation works every day to change the reality of this disease for millions of people by funding research, advocating for government support of research, ensuring new therapies come to market and engaging the community. JDRF has more than 100 U.S. locations and six international affiliates. They’ve funded nearly $2 billion in research to date.

Chang’s Martial Arts Academy
681 N. York Rd. Elmhurst, IL 60126

“I’ve had Type 1 Diabetes since I was eleven years old. Living with Diabetes is not easy or pleasant, but it is a manageable. With diet, exercise, and medication, diabetics can live full, productive lives. I’m proof! Someday we will be able to prevent or even cure diabetes, perhaps within my lifetime! Diabetes is the primary reason my parents got me involved with martial arts as a kid. The martial arts have helped me in countless ways throughout my life. Now my school allows me to share what I’ve enjoyed and benefitted from with others.”
– Chuck Westcott, Owner/Instructor Elmhurst Martial Arts