Litbop News

SAVE THE DATE! Litbop’s launch party is on March 28th.

This Year’s Reading Period

NOTE: submissions for fiction and poetry are now closed. Check back next year when we open again. Thanks to everyone who submitted.
See the Submission Guidelines page for details.

Litbop Number 3 Is Here!


More news in the new year as we prep for a launch party.

Happy holidays everyone!

My dear friend Kat Ace recently passed away. She was the cover artist for the first issue of Litbop. Here’s a link to a beautiful tribute to her by writer Bob Hicks.

More Stuff From Litbop Creators

Artist Andy Ball will have work in this auction, including some of the gorgeous paintings featured in the latest issue of Litbop.

Michelle Geoga has a prose poem in Gone Lawn number 47.

Phylis Green has art in the latest issue of Feral, and she has photography in dipity.

Tim Chapman Discusses Litbop

I talk Litbop in this interview with Blackbird Writers founder Tracey Phillips.

Kindle Edition Of Litbop Two

Go to here:

Litbop Number Two Is Available Now!

The print edition of Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove is up! Find it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble online (links below), or have your favorite indy bookstore order a copy. The eBook edition will will available soon.
Amazon Barnes & Noble

Litbop Volume One Number One is now available!

Litbop is a literary journal containing short fiction, short-short fiction, poetry, art, photography, and cartoons. This first issue contains work by these luminaries: Carma Lynn Park, Catherine Jacobi, Christine Sneed, Crystal S. Rudds, D. Kosiba, Jennifer Worrell, Katherine Ace, L.C. Fiore, Lani T. Montreal, Libby Fischer Hellmann, Molia Dumbleton, Rachel L. Robbins, Randall Jon Van Vynckt, Rob Sokolick, Sara Peak Convery, Tim Chapman.

Ask for it at at your local indie bookstore, or order a print copy at:
or get the Kindle edition at:

Litbop Is In The Newberry
One of our amazing poets, Lani Montreal, recently received this email from Chicago’s prestigious Newberry library. “Thank you very much for your donation of your book Fanboys as well as the first issue of Litbop, which includes your poetry. We will be happy to add these volumes to the Newberry’s rich collections of materials on the history and cultures of the Philippines and by Filipinx-Americans, especially those in Chicago and the Midwest.”

See how artist Katherine Ace created the cover painting for our premiere issue.

More Litbop news can be found on Facebook at